Monday, February 28, 2011

"I would walk a mile for..."

I would walk a mile for my cell phone charger if it was about to die. Without my phone i am like a lost puppy. Even if I’m not talking or texting anyone i need it for comfort and security. If I’m walking down the street and there is a hobo or a scary person I will just pick up my phone and call someone like my mom cause that way i feel way more secure, even though she is far away probably at home just hanging out with the dogs, it is nice to have the comfort! If I was at a party and drove there and decided to drink without my phone I couldn’t call for a ride so it would make it very useful. Cell phones are such a good creation you have a variety of choices now to! You can find the perfect phone for yourself.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Power!

If I could have any superpower in the world it would be that I could fly, it’s not a big superpower but it is something that is necessary I believe because you need to be able to fly from building to building and swoop in and save people from evil villains. I would be able to go and travel the world whenever I felt like it! For example if I wanted gelato from Italy, I could just fly there and get it at any time I wanted! If some evil enemies were chasing me I could just fly straight up into the air and they could do nothing about it. Flying is faster then running after me, my superpower name would be kdus because it just makes me sound stronger and invisible, rather then “Katrina” when people see me flying in the sky they would say "oh look! There goes kdus"