Friday, June 17, 2011

A picture is worth a thousand words!

A picture is worth a thousand words in this photo for example it seems like a man is kissing his wife after not seeing her for months at at time you get chills when you look at this photo he is so inlove with her and how passionate they are kissing makes it seem like he never going to let her go.

5 senses

The smell of her was the perfume she always wore.
The touch of there lips gave them both butterflies
When they saw eachother it was like the first time all over again
When they called eachothers names it was scary that they were actually real people.
the taste of her lips with his was the taste he had been craving for a long time.


Police, yes I understand that they are here to protect and serve but the attitude towards teenagers especially at parties or durn a speeding ticket or anything along those lines is so out of line. They treat teenagers like they are better then them and talk down to them and treat them so horrible, i personally am so nice to cops and they just continue to be rude and mean to me just as an example i was at a beach part and i was not drinking the way the female officer talked to me was like she expected id be someone that would have booze on me. it was embarrassing to me when she said that infront of all my friends. they are here to protect and serve not be rude just because they have a gun and a uniform

The road less travelled

1) Yes I believe it is very important to feel passoniate about your job because if you don't you will dread being there everyday, adults that i know that are passionate about there jobs is my dad is probably the one that stands out the most he loves going to work and making money it makes him happy and ive never heard him complain once in my intire life about working.
2)I really wanted to do early childhood education after i graduated but for some reason im leaning towards working with special needs. I plan on getting there by up gradding next year at the college in town and just seeing what really catches my eye because im unsure about working with special needs and early childhood education still its just an option to me

Novel research

A thousand splendid sun focuses on the relationship between mother and daughters, and abuse to woman and what life is really like in afganistan and how woman have no rights at all. the story itself took a little to begin to get into the story but once the story began it was almost like you couldnt stop reading it.

Writing a review

The season finale of one tree hill was brutal it didn't leave any suspense for the next season or anything it was just all happy and go lucky it wasn't even fun to watch and make you interested in watching the thing I personally just wanted to turn it off.

What makes the show interesting?
How did the season finale catch your attention?

unworthy of even being able to talk about it

One tree hill tv series is what im reviewing.

I am completely honest

The oc, friends.

All the suspense usually makes you interged to watch and continue watching the show.

When brooke and julian exchange there vows in the wedding it was so cute and loving but the show just ended so happy that it didnt make me interested in keep watching it.