Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Perils of Indifference

1. The Danger of People not caring

2. If someone is having a drug problem for example in the book "go ask alice" her family and friends were fully aware of her struggles with drugs, eating disorders and being alone and they all just stood by untill she finally killed herself just like in the story "The Lottery" as soon as the stones were directed at someone else everyone just stood by and watched.

3. Elie Wiesel's speech related to every drastic event that has happened in history! such as the holocaust, everyone would just stand by and watch the jews get put into concentration camps because it wasn't there religion beliefs that were being abused and beaten like the jews. Just like in "The Lottery" as soon as the girl was chosen to be killed by all the stones and everyone stood by and threw the rocks because it wasnt them being killed.

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